Tuesday, 9 June 2015

 Religion reflections



These two posters purposes were very close, but the way we presented them were galaxies away. For our religion poster, the intention was to simply show how a lesser known religion or way of life related to confirmed religions. In my project, I was trying to prove that West Coast aboriginal was a religion, and not a way of life. My Partner and I's way of showing this was almost like a questionnaire. In headers we wrote (ex:/)"Is there this?" and "Is there that?"  and if in West Coast Aboriginal there was one of these things, we would show that in pictures, subbing out a "yes". For our Renaissance poster, we couldn't use pictures or just charts, we had a lot of information to pack in. My renaissance poster is way more informative and definitely has a lot more words. You can tell which poster had more effort put into it. 


 2 stars and a wish

Star: We spaced our pictures out well so it was easy on the eyes.We labeled pretty well and made our answers quite obvious
Star: We used images to draw attention and make it easier to understand. I find that a poster with a lot of words can be a bother to look at and read, so having it more of a visual aid  draws more people to look at it. 
Wish: COLOUR. Mine and Rosa's colour printers weren't working, so we had to use the schools black and white printer. It was the least that could have been done and our poster would have been way more interesting with it. 

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